These apply to all the National and International programs described here and are established in accordance with the laws and regulations of the National Government. For the knowledge of travel agencies and mandatory disclosure to the traveling consumer and/or the person purchasing the plan. As a general rule, except for the rates, these conditions will be in effect from March 1, 2007, until further official modifications. High season is considered from December 10 to January 25, Easter Week, recess week, holiday weekends, and special dates. The rest is considered low season. For certain plans, there may be specific terms and conditions that exempt the application of special conditions.

1. S.I.B. services are provided for a minimum of 2 passengers.
2. The rates expressed in U.S. dollars (USD) are valid for the specified period, always within the current year.
3. Services in each country correspond to transfers and tours, which can be either private or regular S.I.B (Services in Buss), and can be provided with a driver-guide or driver and guide, in the specified language.
4. Services and programs may be modified or suspended in their execution, order, and content to offer better service to the customer, adapt to unforeseen events, or for reasons of force majeure.
5. All programs are based on the standard, and when clients request supplements such as different or higher category rooms, transfers, excursions, or tours not included in the package or circuit, additional fees for the requested services will be charged accordingly.
6. Hotel check-in is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is at 11:00 AM; there may be cases where the room is not available at that time.
7. Services are specified in each itinerary according to the meal plan detailed in each program, which may include meals or not, and in some cases, half board or full board, as follows: Full board includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, while half board includes breakfast and either lunch or dinner.
8. It is understood that meals will follow the itinerary, whether for individuals or groups, and in the case of groups, they will always be served at the hotel restaurant or breakfast room as a group at a time previously set by the local guides.
9. Hotels will be as indicated in the program and may be in a similar category regardless of the name, but complying with international classification standards (Tourist, Superior Tourist, First, Luxury, and Grand Luxury).
10. Rooms will be requested as standard rooms, all with private bathroom and shower.
11. Luggage services at airports and hotels are not included.
12. The programs include, according to each specification and itinerary, the following: domestic or international air tickets, internal air routes, national ticket taxes, airport transfers, medical assistance card, guides, and/or coordinators as applicable.
13. Navigation products, cruises, air circuits, and ski resorts are subject to particular booking, confirmation, and payment conditions. The prices of these products in this publication correspond to rates for the final public.
14. Published prices may change without prior notice.
15. No reservation is guaranteed until full payment of the reservation is received from the customer and/or agency. In any case, administrative or cancellation costs incurred by the customer and/or agency will be charged or deducted as administrative expenses.

Hotel rates do not include value-added tax (VAT). All tourists without residency in the destination country may qualify for tax exemption from paying VAT, provided they present a valid passport and entry card at the hotel reception upon check-in. This exemption applies to the guest’s expenses during their stay at the hotel.

1. Visa expenses for entry or exit of any country, passports, tips for guides, drivers, local guides, porters, etc.
2. Transfers not specifically included in the program or circuit. No extras of any kind at hotels. Excess baggage. Generally, no service or expense not explicitly specified in the itineraries is included.
3. No personal expenses such as soft drinks, beverages, and alcoholic drinks (no international meal includes drinks).
4. Expenses for calls and laundry.
5. Rates do not include additional expenses requested; expenses incurred by passengers and/or their guests must be paid by the passengers. Rates do not include modification and cancellation expenses.

It is the responsibility of each passenger and their Travel Agency to carry the relevant documents for their trip. Passengers must be informed and prepared to comply with visa, vaccination, and other rules applicable to the countries they will visit. Therefore, passengers must cover the costs generated by non-compliance or misinformation about entry and mobility rules in the countries they travel to. It is the responsibility of each traveler to carry a valid passport with all the necessary requirements. We decline all responsibility for issues with these requirements, and the traveler will bear any expenses incurred. In these circumstances, the established cancellation and voluntary rejection of services conditions will apply.

The travel agency and/or passenger is required to provide at least one week in advance the complete details required for each passenger traveling on vessels, such as transatlantic cruises, Caribbean cruises, Galápagos cruises, river cruises, Buquebus, Patagonian cruises, Australis cruise, Skorpios cruise, lake crossings, etc., or on local airlines. Full name, date of birth, nationality, and passport number must be provided.

1. It is the responsibility of the passenger or the Travel Agency to provide correct flight information when the tickets are not issued or purchased through our company (airline, flight number, schedules, reservation code, and passenger names) at least 72 business hours prior to the passenger’s arrival so that our operations department can coordinate the proper provision of services.
2. In the case of groups, the information must be provided even earlier. As a safety rule, airlines in any country are not authorized to disclose the names of traveling passengers; therefore, it is not possible to confirm a passenger’s arrival or departure without the reservation code.
3. According to International airline regulations, any flight modification must be made directly by the Issuing Agent or the passenger.
4. The initial responsibility for flight confirmation lies with the passenger. They can request assistance from staff or a representative in the country they are visiting, in which case they must provide the relevant information, including the reservation code.
5. The passenger should never hand over their tickets to third parties. In the case of requesting assistance for confirmation, the passenger should wait for a phone call or written communication indicating that the procedure has been completed.
6. All group reservations and confirmations will require a deposit to guarantee the flight block and the land portion reservation; without this deposit, the reservation will not be guaranteed.

Given that the itineraries are subject to special conditions, any type of cancellation and/or annulment of any service must be requested in writing to their sales representative and wait for confirmation of the cancellation via the same method, as the conditions of the package and the national and international operator must be considered. The customer will be entitled to a refund of the amounts paid but must cover the costs incurred by the trip cancellation:

  • More than 45 days prior to the trip departure, 10% of the trip cancellation fee will be charged.
  • 45 to 31 days prior to the trip departure, 15% of the trip cancellation fee will be charged.
  • 30 to 21 days prior to the trip departure, 30% of the trip cancellation fee will be charged.
  • 20 to 10 days prior to the trip departure, 60% of the trip cancellation fee will be charged.
  • Less than 9 days prior to the trip departure, 100% of the trip cancellation fee will be charged.


  • For cancellations more than 30 days prior to the trip, 50% of the airfare and land deposit, as applicable, will be charged.
  • For cancellations between 15 and 29 days prior to the trip, 75% of the airfare and land deposit, as applicable, will be charged.
  • For cancellations between 7 and 14 days prior to the trip, 100% of the airfare and land deposit, as applicable, will be charged.
  • For cancellations on the day of the trip or no-shows, 100% will be charged, and no refund will be provided.

1. Full payment of the reservation is a necessary condition before the trip begins; this guarantees the fulfillment of the contracted services. Full payment must be made no later than eight (8) days before departure, with 100% required.
2. Payments can be made in cash, in Pesos, Dollars, and/or by bank transfer.
3. Rates are subject to change without notice and do not include taxes (VAT, fuel, security, airport fees, entry cards, hotel taxes, accommodation and meal taxes).
4. The effectiveness of the reservation requested by the consumer (travel agency or person purchasing the plan) is subject to the availability of airline seats, hotel rooms, and the timely coordination of our operators providing the other services included in the travel plan.
5. A 50% deposit is required for reservations in the case of land-only portions.
6. For plans that include airfare, a deposit corresponding to the total value of the airline tickets is required due to the new IATA provisions for ticket reservation and issuance.

1. Individual reservations requested in writing will be confirmed within a maximum of 48 business hours, except in cases where unforeseen events or force majeure prevent normal communication channels with customers and/or providers.
2. The hotels mentioned in each package or circuit are planned accordingly, and the right to change the hotel for one of the same category and price, while fulfilling the contracted service, is reserved.
3. A service is not considered requested if the request is not received in writing via email.
4. A reservation is only validated as confirmed if it is made through a written medium. The same applies to modifications and cancellations.
5. Reservations, modifications, and cancellations requested by customers must comply with the policies of each involved provider. These conditions vary according to the product, service, number of passengers, season, or other reasons provided by the suppliers.
6. It is important to consider that modifying the reservation may result in changes to the final quoted price.
7. Different conditions apply to individual and group reservations, as well as for different dates or seasons.
8. Full payment of the reservation will be requested once it has been confirmed, and a service voucher will be issued once the payment has been credited.
9. The prepayment policies, reservation block regulations, refunds, penalties, and restrictions of the product and service providers will be respected.
10. We will attempt to avoid cancellation and modification costs for certain services, but the customer must accept the charges and costs incurred by the involved providers, which could reach up to 100% of the initial value of the service.
11. The above is also valid for no-shows by the passenger in certain services.
12. In the case of a no-show at the hotel, VAT will be charged and added to the room rate, meaning 100% of the first night’s rate will be charged.
13. The above also applies to no-shows by the passenger in specific services.

1. Customer Service will process refunds once responsibilities from our representatives and/or the passenger have been verified. This can be at the destination or once the trip is completed, within a maximum of 30 business days.
2. If requesting a refund due to no trip or no-show, a letter explaining the reason for the refund must be submitted, and the charges generated by the refund will be applied according to the cancellation conditions detailed earlier. This document should be sent to
3. Claims will be accepted in writing and must be supported by documentation confirming them, and they must be submitted within twenty days following the completion of services.
4. No refunds will be provided for services voluntarily not used or for no-shows by the passenger.

1. We reserve the right to alter the travel itinerary or planned hotels if necessary for better organization or due to circumstances of force majeure.
2. We decline all responsibility for delays, early arrivals, or cancellations caused by airlines or transportation companies.
3. We reserve the right to remove a participant from the program or circuit if, due to their behavior and at the discretion of the guide, they act inappropriately and cause evident discomfort to the rest of the tour members. The agency’s only obligation will be to refund the proportional part of the tour that remains.
4. If, at the client’s express request, a modification to the route is made, passengers or clients must pay all the expenses incurred due to the requested modification, as well as the cost of the services requested to complete the new chosen route.

Luggage is not subject to contract, meaning that, for all intents and purposes, the traveler always keeps it with them, carrying it at their own risk. This does not impose any contractual obligation for loss or damage that may occur for any reason.

ORGANIZACIÓN PARKWAY VIAJES Y TURISMO S.A.S, a wholesale travel agency and tour operator, as an organizer of Ecotourism programs aligned with sustainable development policies, environmental responsibility, and fair and equitable distribution of benefits, is obligated to disseminate and enforce these provisions.

A yellow fever and tetanus vaccine is mandatory at least ten (10) days prior for visiting Amazonas, Guajira, Isla Gorgona, Caño Cristales, and Santa Marta.
Passengers must follow the observations and suggestions of guides and/or staff at the sites where Eco-Tourism activities take place.
Bring comfortable and appropriate travel clothing and gear for the climate of the destination being visited.

1. We declare that we act as intermediaries and coordinators between Receptive Tourism Operators and Service and Product Providers. Therefore, we are not responsible for differences or damages that the passenger may suffer due to error or omission by a particular provider.
2. Our company has no responsibility for situations caused by force majeure, natural disasters, or criminal acts. We commit to helping find solutions to any problems the passenger may face during their stay at the destination, with the costs being borne by the passenger.
3. We are not responsible for costs incurred due to modification or cancellation of services, nor for expenses arising from losses or delays that are not directly our responsibility. Nor do we assume costs for losses or damage to passengers’ belongings or documents, or accidents suffered by passengers that are not directly our responsibility.
4. We recommend that all passengers and travel agencies ensure the passenger has adequate travel insurance if the contracted service does not include it.
5. The company is not responsible for the correct provision or organization of services if the client does not send all necessary information within the requested deadlines or if there is non-compliance with payment obligations.
6. We reserve the right to interrupt the trip or service if the basic ethical and moral standards necessary for the successful completion of each program are not met. Passengers in a state of intoxication and/or under the influence of drugs or substances, or in any state that threatens the moral integrity of the passenger, travel companions, or groups, will not be accepted.
7. All packages will include a comprehensive traveler assistance card. Please remember that the first step to receive assistance is to call the central office. (It does not include pre-existing conditions. For more information, read the general conditions of the Assistance Card). If the passenger chooses to travel without medical assistance coverage, they will personally and fully assume the risks and costs that may arise from the trip and are covered by the card (such as: location and compensation due to luggage loss, medical assistance, medications, hospitalization, emergency transfers, family member travel if necessary, payment of airfare difference due to medical incapacity, assistance in case of lost tickets or documents, etc.), exempting us from all responsibility.
8. We recommend that elderly adults and people with health problems travel with a companion to provide assistance in case of unforeseen events.
9. Our company sells circuits, packages, and tours that require physical effort. It is the passenger’s decision whether to participate.
10. Our company holds a certificate of existence issued by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce and legal registration, as well as the National Tourism Registry 40101 issued by the Ministry of Development. Service providers adhere fully to the liability clause contained in Resolution 113 of February 1985 and its subsequent amendments.

11. Warning: Anyone who engages in sexual intercourse with a person under the age of fourteen (14), engages in diverse sexual acts or in their presence, induces or uses virtual means, coerces anyone into commercial sexual acts or prostitution, or who photographs, films, sells, buys, exhibits, or in any way markets pornographic material, by any communication medium, to obtain sexual contact with minors under eighteen (18) years of age or offers sexual services with them, will incur prison sentences ranging from 2 to 10 years and fines from fifty (50) to one thousand (1000) M.L.M.V. salaries according to articles 208 to 218 of the Colombian Penal Code.
12. The passenger, representative, or intermediary declares they know and accept these conditions and waive any claim against our company and/or involved companies and/or their workers or employees.
13. Productivity, Integral Consulting, Reliability, Competitiveness. ORGANIZACIÓN PARKWAY VIAJES Y TURISMO S.A.S, as established in Article 17 of Law 679 of 2001, Law 1336, and Resolution 3840 of 2009, rejects all forms of exploitation, pornography, violence, sexual tourism, and other forms of abuse against minors and warns tourists that these are punishable according to current legal provisions.
The products and/or services sold may undergo changes.

14. ORGANIZACIÓN PARKWAY VIAJES Y TURISMO S.A.S is subject to the liability regime established by Law 300 of 1996, Decree 2438 of 2010, and other regulatory decrees. As an intermediary, it has limited liability in the provision of tourism services by suppliers and has no influence over their decisions or policies. The agency assumes no responsibility for events such as accidents, strikes, riots, earthquakes, weather or natural phenomena, security conditions, political factors, denial of entry permits, health issues, or any other force majeure events that may occur during the trip to ensure the success of the tourist product or service purchased by the client. If for any force majeure reason, the operator or airline needs to cancel the scheduled services, the organizers will be obliged to refund the amount of the canceled portion according to the terms and conditions of the reservation set by the provider.
The refund policies for services not provided due to force majeure will be defined by each operator or airline and confirmed once the travel documents are reserved and issued.

15. ORGANIZACIÓN PARKWAY VIAJES Y TURISMO S.A.S is not jointly responsible for the amounts requested for refunds. The percentage of the refund will depend on the provider’s conditions and the agency’s administrative costs.
All prices and rates presented in this email, receipt, voucher, or quote are subject to change, availability, and validity without prior notice. Restrictions and conditions apply to each published rate according to its validity. Hotel rates depend on the selected accommodation. Cancellation policies, penalties, restrictions, and specific conditions of the package will be communicated to the passenger when travel documents are issued. Clients’ obligations regarding luggage, documentation, behavior at the destination, and other matters, as well as sanctions or decisions that may be made for non-compliance, are communicated during the consultation. For more information, consult Decree 2438 of 2010.
16. The purchaser of any of the plans through or with the intermediation of ORGANIZACIÓN PARKWAY VIAJES Y TURISMO S.A.S acknowledges and accepts all the conditions and/or clauses presented, by simply purchasing the plan.

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